Impact Perform Improvement is represented by
Hansen (Australia) and Kendra Marion
Paul Hansen
Paul has over 17 years experience in leadership development working
across various sectors including resources, service and government. Her
passion for developing leaders at all levels has seen her work locally
and internationally.
Her professional experience both internal and external to organisations
provides a unique advantage of understanding the business needs from all
perspectives; this has provided a quality benefit to many clients. She
has designed, developed and/or delivered leadership programs for many
sectors including; Gold (Australia, Papua New Guinea, North America and
Canada) Iron Ore, Salt, Diamonds, Manufacturing, Mining Contractors,
Hospitality and Government.
A passion for assisting people and organisations develop combined with a
depth of coaching and facilitation experience has enabled Paul to
develop and deploy a range of learning and talent management
initiatives, designed to promote the growth and development of
leadership groups within a high-performance organisations.
Examples of key projects to date are:
- Providing one-on-one executive coaching and mentoring to a variety of
leaders within
Australia using various accredited tools including LSI. This was taking
a targeted approach to support specific leadership development gaps for
high potential candidates.
- Coaching for over 150 leaders participating in major Iron Ore business’
Business Leadership Program – BLP. This was using a customised 360 tool
developed and accredited by YSC. The Coaching included Debrief,
development planning and follow-up coaching.
- Leadership coaching project that supports cultural measurement and
behavioural change for the business leaders. Using the LSI instrument
for pre and post measurement, this project used a combination of
on-on-one and triad coaching sessions that include the manager of the
- Currently a member of 1 Government coaching panel and 2 private
enterprise coaching
- Design and development of Global leadership program. Implementation of
program within the Australia Pacific region. Currently over 2300
Supervisors globally including 700 supervisors from within Australia and
PNG have completed. This is a high volume, low cost standardised
solution. Evaluation data at Level 1, 2 and 3 for this project supports
significant improvement in workplace performance of participants.
- Providing one-on-one executive coaching and mentoring to a variety of
leaders within Australia using various accredited tools including LSI.
- Responsibility for ensuring program design is aligned with regional and
corporate direction, integrates cultural change, and encompasses new
organisational culture and exiting values and remains relevant and
- Develop and execute regional Leadership Development strategic roadmap.
- Development Manager level development guides for use globally.
- Design of Accelerated Development Program for High Potentials (Top 400
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Kendra Marion, MASc.
Kendra has over 5 years experience in talent management and leadership development, working for local government as well as the resource sector. In addition to working locally in Canada, she has collaborated with colleagues in the United States as well as Africa, Australia and South America to produce locally relevant programs.
Kendra has both strategic and tactical implementation skills and she is able to work effectively with all levels in an organization. Deep project management capabilities and multi-tasking enable results to be delivered in a timely fashion.
Examples of key projects to date:
- Managed front-line supervisory development program globally across 4 continents and 27 mine sites. Level 1, 2 and 3 evaluation results indicated significant program success, including improved performance management and employee relations.
- Managed the creation of a self-development guide for front-line mining supervisors which would allow them to progress their own development needs at their own pace. Topics included coaching, giving feedback, appraising performance, etc.
- Researched and developed comprehensive program framework for High Potential Program designed to reach across 4 continents and prepare candidates for a consistent corporate standard of excellence.
- Researched and wrote booklet of top 20 educational providers of executive education designed to help managers and directors choose appropriate courses for their employees.
- Integral role in designing and developing a succession management strategy for local government.
- Integral role in redesigning and implementing a performance appraisal tool and system for local government leading to more effective and consistent application (introduced competencies, rating scale, interactive form features, and frequently asked questions). Facilitated feedback sessions with groups across the organization to test assumptions and components of the form. Developed implementation materials (website, training presentation, communications) and conducted presentations to client groups.
- Co-developed Talent Development program (e.g., 360-degree feedback, mentoring, learning assignments) for local government. Managed and conducted a pilot of the 360-degree feedback system; lead an evaluation and proposed revisions to the system based on feedback.
- Co-managed the development of a corporate Diversity strategy at a local government by analyzing, evaluating and synthesizing information to recommend strategies and budget. Resulted in the creation of the first formal Diversity initiative and the hiring of a Diversity Specialist. Developed role position, interview process, questions and conducted reference checks as member of the hiring committee to recruit a Diversity Specialist.
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Impact Performance
Simplicity beyond Complexity
Paul Hansen
email: paul@impactpi.com.au
Kendra Marion
email: kendra@improveactperform.com

- Leadership Development
- Team Development
- Organisational Development
- Program Design and Delivery
- Talent Management
- Out-placement and Transition